by Sara Beaumont, FAE, HRHP | @reverencefertility
Reverence Fertility isn't just cycle tracking.
The Reverent Cycles program offers:
- The scientific sex education we all deserve.
- Dialogue about fertility intentions and desires.
- Deeper self-awareness and understanding of our 5th Vital Sign.
- Chart interpretation to discover how lifestyle factors manifest in menstrual cycle patterns, symptoms and situations.
- Support for recognizing and navigating transitions and changes throughout the reproductive lifespan.
- Confidence and preparedness for informed decision-making in reproductive health care spaces.
- Generational impact as knowledge is passed down.
The Reverence Model is to:
- Understand anatomy and the whole menstrual cycle
- Learn fertility awareness method and cycle charting
- Gauge fertility intentions
- Gather charting tools and materials
- Set health goals
- Interpret charts and monitor health
- Avoid pregnancy or support conception
- Deepen body literacy
- Express bodily autonomy
- Make informed decisions
- Embolden future generations
The ultimate result of these elements combined is embodied reverence.
Thank you to Kelly Diel’s program on Surfacing Your Methodology for helping me put words to The Reverence Model.
The following values are the heartbeat of the program:
Autonomy: I see you as the expert on your experiences, and the best person to make decisions related to your body and wellbeing.
Co-creation: We co-create conversations, strategies and outcomes during our work together.
Consent: Guidance you receive from me is via consent for my counsel, and our work is confidential unless consent is granted otherwise.
Education: I’m committed to continuous learning in community to weave science, knowledge and social experiences into our work together.
Flexibility: I aim to meet you where you are, be flexible in my style of teaching and ways of knowing and communicating, and to remain open to change and feedback.
Kindness: I strive to treat every person with compassion, dignity and positive regard.
Reproductive Justice: I train to be inclusive and intersectional in my approach to Reproductive Justice by listening, learning from, and supporting the work of Black and Indigenous people, and people of color, whose vision for Reproductive Justice is critical.
I acknowledge my privilege as a white, cis-gendered, heteronormative, financially secure, able-bodied woman, in a body deemed by society as acceptable in size, and I examine how the culture I embody informs my life and work.
As a person with a rare genetic condition and low vision, I strive to be aware of accessibility issues, and to partner with disabled folks who are seeking body literacy knowledge.
At this time, I offer free consolations and educational content via my blog and monthly newsletter, as well as sliding scale education sessions. Services trades, extended payment plans (with no additional fees), and other accommodations are welcome.
In reverence,
- Sara
Sara (she/her) is a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and Fertility Awareness Educator serving clients virtually and locally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since 2016, Sara has used fertility awareness based methods to avoid pregnancy, optimize her fertility, time a pregnancy with her partner and navigate postpartum fertility.
©2025 Reverence Fertility LLC. All rights reserved.
Brand photos by Maggie Enters Photography