You can bolster your conception efforts by charting your cycles now. This helps to rule out any red flags long before a year of trying goes by. If you're actively trying to conceive, then it's the perfect time to explore how charting can support you. If you're planning for the future, then getting to know your cycle now can make a big difference when the time comes!
Schedule a free consultation to meet Sara and ask questions, or visit her Reverent Cycles program page to start charting to conceive today.
Charting supports you to pinpoint your fertile window despite fluctuations that occur cycle-to-cycle and to time intercourse or insemination accurately. It identifies underlying cycle issues that can be addressed with lifestyle changes long before a year (or longer) of trying to conceive goes by, and it can help to rule out red flags related to fertility challenges. Charters can apply body literacy gained from monitoring their cycles to their reproductive health decision-making, which is useful when navigating the fertility healthcare landscape and assembling a team of providers.
If you're ovulating, then you're fertile up to 6 days per cycle. Sperm can stay alive in the female reproductive track for up to 5 days, and upon ovulation the egg lives up to 24 hours. In charting, the fertile phase is extended to include the days right after evidence of ovulation.
Because ovulation fluctuates cycle-to-cycle, the exact day can not be predicted. The only way to confirm ovulation with absolute certainty is to have a well-time ultrasound, but data from charting adds up multiple biomarkers that are evidence of ovulation, and over time, patterns may emerge that can give you an idea of what days in your cycle ovulation is most likely to occur, and why it may shift to be earlier or later than expected.
"Sara provided a safe space where I could learn more about my body, fertility, and overall health. In each session, all my questions and concerns were addressed and I was also provided resources to aid in my understanding of the Justisse Method as well as my unique cycle. Sara is extremely knowledgeable and patient and made sure I was feeling confident every step of the way."
- Lila, Former Client
©2025 Reverence Fertility LLC. All rights reserved.
Brand photos by Maggie Enters Photography