by Sara Beaumont, FAE, HRHP | @reverencefertility
A friend of mine once shared that her unmedicated labor was easier to bear than her period cramps, because at least she got breaks in-between contractions.
I believe her. Not only does birth offer breaks, but it's a natural physiological progression. The relentless intensity of period pain is unfortunately common, and it's often described as stabbing, burning and debilitating, but it's not normal. It can be reduced or resolved, which is what we'll focus on in the post.
As menstruation draws near, tender breasts on the outer sides, mild cramping, and subtle changes in mood are normal. Cramps are often caused by increased levels of prostaglandins responding to the inflammatory process of shedding the endometrial lining. Moderate to severe pain that disrupts your daily routine is not normal.
You can go around the pain. This is one reason to take the pill (or another form of hormonal birth control like the pill). Hormonal birth control essentially shuts down the menstrual cycle and its symptoms. Unfortunately, symptoms are likely to return when they’re no longer suppressed by the synthetic hormones in birth control. You can also take an NSAID like ibuprofen to help manage moderate pain, and time doses to anticipate some relief when you need it most.
Or you can examine and address the pain. There's no magic pill for this route. It usually involves diet and lifestyle changes compounded with time (three months or more) to experience progress. But over time, it’s possible to experience long-term relief, whereas, over time, the pill depletes the body of essential nutrients, may cause mood disorders, is notorious for decreasing libido, and can present other unwanted side effects. If possible, I advise limiting the use of hormonal contraceptives to short-term spans of life — times when life isn’t manageable any other way. I recommend avoiding birth control altogether for young people, whose cycles are still maturing.
We know that processed foods, industrial seed oils, refined flours and sugars, conventional meat and dairy, alcohol and toxic exposure increase inflammation. For some, caffeine makes a significance difference, and of course, we can't forget to mention stress. Reducing these factors is foundational for addressing painful periods.
Sustainable lifestyle subtractions take time and effort, so I recommend starting with one of the above to address first. You know which one. Integrate it until it becomes second nature to reach for an avocado oil when cooking at high heats, enjoy half calf or decaf, substitute chemical-based cleaners with natural alternatives, do less, or pour only mocktails during the week.
You don't need to be perfect to see improvement. Imagine that you're carrying a heavy backpack full of everything that puts stress and inflammation on your body. You can't completely empty the bag, because not everything is in your control. We just need to lighten the load enough so that your body can function more optimally. This is why some people can have processed foods and not have period pain. Their backpack must be lighter overall. That's not to say processed foods are a benefit to their body, or that they won't have an effect someday, but I think you can appreciate the visual -- what's weighing you down?
Additions can be easier to implement and support you as you work on addressing the subtractions. As always, check with your provider for medical advice.
Been there, already done all that? Consider the following:
Sometimes, people identify their hormones as the root cause of period concerns. The question is, what are hormones responding to? Could it be stress? Is it the environment? Is it unfavorable conditions in the gut or an overtaxed liver? Or D, all of the above?
It’s easy to blame the messenger, and our hormones are responsible for their roles in how we feel. For example, when estrogen is running the show all cycle long and progesterone is not functioning in tandem, then heavier periods, period cramps and premenstrual symptoms tend to surface. But the question remains: why the disharmony?
For individualized support with your period pain or premenstrual symptoms, let’s schedule some time chat at a free consult or information session.
To your period peace,
- Sara
Sara (she/her) is a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and Fertility Awareness Educator serving clients virtually and locally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since 2016, Sara has used fertility awareness based methods to avoid pregnancy, optimize her fertility, time a pregnancy with her partner and navigate postpartum fertility.
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